Birds of worry and fear fly above your head, prevent them from nesting in your hair
Installation, AR, interactive, 2024. The gallery filled with colourful objects, additional triggers to enter the augmented reality

web app, installation, performance, 2019-20. Can doing nothing be the ultimate form of labour in the age of automation?

print on postcards, 2017-18

Sky in ruins
video (animation), 2016. A ceiling projection.

Dolce far niente
instalation, chocolate objects, animations, 2014

Jobless avatars
video (animation), 2014. Avatars just like people get jobless too.

Remains of the empire
instalation, drawings, 2012.

overview solo exhibition, 2011 –

The big switch off
video, 2011. Mass demolition of TV sets

instalation, 2011.

Salami condoms
print, 2011.

Globe heather
instalation, 2010. The globus producing warm air, heating our homes.

The ex
print, buliboards, 2010

instalation, 2010. The different types of toilets producing electricity.

Origami space race
instalation, 2008-10. Challenging the space programs.

Lost territories
prints, video 2009. Every European nation carries a larger territory in its memory, which sometime in the past extended well beyond its present-day borders.

Infocalypse now!
initiative, instalation, video, 2007-09. An initiative for the creation of an autonomous media zone in the 700 MHz spectrum

Urban-Woodenware vending machine
instalytion, 2008. Famous locally produced original woodenware in vending machine

Recycling strategies
light boxes, 2007. A series of five projects in light boxes

Space junk spotting
instalation, 2006-07. Junk flying above our heads.

Beggar robot
instalation, public intervention, videos, 2006. Begging robot constructed entirely from old computers and spare parts.

No Lego
instalation, 2005. A recycling laboratory kit for home paper brick production.

Copy china
installation, public intervention, 2005.

Toilets / Made in India
video and objects, 2005.

Picnic on a dump
video, 2004.

Kinder surprise
video, 2004.

Public intervention, video, 2004. Parasite pavilion made of shopping mole trash.

Just do it
public intervention, inovation, installation, video, 2003. Recycled paper trash bricks.

Bauhaus art store
photos, public intervention, 2002.

Living in a media hype
prints, 2001.

192 United states
Painting under bolletproof glass, 2001.

Biotope condition
installation, 2001.